Tellico Community Playhouse
304 Lakeside Plaza, Loudon, TN
"Come Play with Us"

By Alec Coppel
Directed by Ellen Simek
Performance Dates:
March 6-8, 7:30 pm
March 9, 1:30 pm
March 13-15, 7:30 pm
March 16, 1:30 pm
March 20-22, 7:30 pm
March 23, 1:30 pm

Our play starts with the introduction of the talented writer (Elliott Nash) who writes a successful mystery whodunnit television series, and is married to a Broadway star (Nell Nash)…..perfect life, right? WRONG…enter a blackmailer who is threatening Nell. Simple solution….Elliott uses his wit and expertise to “eliminate the threat.” Easy and foolproof, right? WRONG! What ensues after what should be a perfectly easy solution will have you laughing out-loud as Elliott becomes the main suspect in the crime and detectives swarm their home. Nothing is predictable, as you will find out in this dark, hilarious mystery/comedy and that’s what makes it fun and entertaining! You won’t want to miss a minute of this fast-paced, laugh-a-minute show!
Platinum Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
The Cagle Cross Group
Trailer for THE GAZEBO

State of the Art Community Theatre
JUNE 5-22

September 11-28
Directed by Ellen Simek
Directed by Bill Paxson
Directed by Lisa Silverman
Directed by Jill Bergeron